
Some of my rubygems – e.g. proxy_pac_rb – either need a backing HTTP(S)-server for their tests or interact with some external web services via HTTP/HTTPS. To mock external services you can either use VCR, webmock or just plain Webrick. To serve data for your tests via HTTP(S), you can use Webrick as well. As Webrick is part of ruby core and is sufficient for both use cases, this article only describes ways to run a Webrick-HTTP(S)-server to back your test suite.



Please create a script-directory in your project.

mkdir -p script

Afterwards, please install the webrick-gem.

gem install webrick

Simple HTTP-server returning a “String”

The code given in this section …

  • … listens on TCP port “8000”
  • … returns “Example Domain Cleartext” on each request
  • … uses plain HTTP without any encryption

Create a file named script/http_server.rb with the following content.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'webrick'

server =
    :Port => 8000,

server.mount_proc '/' do |req, res|
  res.body = 'Example Domain Cleartext'


After that, make the script an executable.

chmod +x script/http_server.rb

To start the server, run ./script/http_server.rb

# Start HTTP server
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  ruby 2.2.2 (2015-04-13) [x86_64-linux]
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=15600 port=8000

To check if the server is running correctly, invoke curl – you may need to install this program on your machine.

curl http://localhost:8000
# => Example Domain Cleartext

Don’t forget to kill the server afterwards. Otherwise you might see some errors, that another server cannot bind itself to TCP port “8000”.

Simple HTTPS-server returning a “String”

The code given in this section …

  • … listens on TCP port “8443”
  • … returns “Example Domain Encrypted” on each request
  • … uses TLS/SSL to encrypt the traffic with a self-signed certificate

Create a file named script/https_server.rb with the following content.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'webrick'
require 'webrick/https'

cert_name = [
  %w[CN localhost],

server =
    :Port => 8443,
    :SSLEnable => true,
    :SSLCertName => cert_name

server.mount_proc '/' do |req, res|
  res.body = 'Example Domain Encrypted'


A certificate has a “Distinguished Name” which should match the URL for the website. The code given below uses CN localhost for this.

cert_name = [
  %w[CN localhost],

This is the most interesting part of the code given above. In this section you enable SSL and define the “Distinguished Name” for the certificate.

server =
    :Port => 8443,
    :SSLEnable => true,
    :SSLCertName => cert_name

After that, make the script an executable.

chmod +x script/https_server.rb

To start the server, run ./script/https_server.rb

# Start HTTP server
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  ruby 2.2.2 (2015-04-13) [x86_64-linux]
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=15600 port=8443

To check if the server is running correctly, invoke curl again.

curl -k https://localhost:8443
# => Example Domain Encrypted

And again: Don’t forget to kill the server afterwards. Otherwise you might see some errors, that another server cannot bind itself to TCP port “8443”.

Serve local directory via HTTP

The code given in this section …

  • … listens on TCP port “8000”
  • … serves files from the current working directory
  • … uses plain HTTP without any encryption

If you want to serve a local directory via HTTP, you can also do this with Webrick. Just pass it :DocumentRoot with Dir.pwd [1].

# Ruby < 1.9.3
ruby -r webrick -e ' => 8000, :DocumentRoot => Dir.pwd).start'
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  ruby 2.2.2 (2015-04-13) [x86_64-linux]
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=15600 port=8000

# Ruby >= 1.9.3
ruby -r webrick -e ' 8000, DocumentRoot: Dir.pwd).start'
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  ruby 2.2.2 (2015-04-13) [x86_64-linux]
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=15600 port=8000

There’s also a library called “un” which is part of ruby core, uses Webrick behind the scenes and makes the line above much easier [2].

ruby -r un -e httpd . -p 8000
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  ruby 2.2.2 (2015-04-13) [x86_64-linux]
# => [2015-08-02 07:19:17] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=15600 port=8000



To integrate your HTTP-server into your RSpec-test suite, you can use the following piece of code – for HTTPS just replace the executable in the #spawn-call with script/https_server.rb. You may need to adjust the value of the #sleep-call to your needs. Without the #sleep-call, the test will fail because the HTTP-server needs some time to start up.

require 'open-uri'

RSpec.describe 'Run server' do
  before :all do
    @web_server = Process.spawn(
      in: :close,
      out: 'tmp/httpd-out.log',
      err: 'tmp/httpd-err.log'

    sleep 1

  before :each do
    @content = open('http://localhost:8000').read

  it { expect(@content).to eq 'Example Domain Cleartext' }
  it { expect(@content).to match /Cleartext/ }
  it { expect(@content).to include 'Cleartext' }

  after :all do
    Process.kill 'TERM', @web_server

The following lines spawn the script/http_server.rb, write all output on STDOUT to tmp/httpd-out.log and all output on STDERR to tmp/http-err.log and wait 1 sec before moving on.

before :all do
  @web_server = Process.spawn(
    in: :close,
    out: 'tmp/httpd-out.log',
    err: 'tmp/httpd-err.log'

  sleep 1

The lines find below download content from the HTTP-server and check the result of the download.

require 'open-uri'

before :each do
  @content = open('http://localhost:8000').read

it { expect(@content).to eq 'Example Domain Cleartext' }
it { expect(@content).to match /Cleartext/ }
it { expect(@content).to include 'Cleartext' }

After all tests have run, the HTTP-server is terminated.

after :all do
  Process.kill 'TERM', @web_server


You may want to integrate the HTTP-server into your Rakefile instead – maybe to use the same HTTP-server for your RSpec- and Cucumber-tests. To use an HTTPS-server replace the executable in the #spawn-call with script/https_server.rb.

# Set default task to test
task default: :test

namespace :test do
  desc 'Setup test environment'
  task :before do
    $stderr.puts 'Starting server'

    @web_server = Process.spawn(
      in: :close,
      out: 'tmp/httpd-out.log',
      err: 'tmp/httpd-err.log'

    sleep 1

  desc 'Teardown test environment'
  task :after do
    $stderr.puts 'Stopping server'

    Process.kill 'TERM', @web_server

desc 'Run test suite'
task :test do

    # Change this to your needs
    %w(test:rubocop test:rspec test:cucumber).each { |t| Rake::Task[t].invoke }

namespace :test do
  desc 'Run cucumber test suite'
  task :cucumber do
    sh 'bundle exec cucumber'

  desc 'Run rspec test suite'
  task :rspec do
    sh 'bundle exec rspec'

  desc 'Run rubocop'
  task :rubocop do
    sh 'bundle exec rubocop'

If you start rake without any argument it should run the test-task.

task default: :test

The following lines will run the test:before-, the test:rubocop-, the test:rspec-, the test:cucumber- and the test:after-tasks – in the given order.

desc 'Run test suite'
task :test do

    # Change this to your needs
    %w(test:rubocop test:rspec test:cucumber).each { |t| Rake::Task[t].invoke }

The following lines spawn the script/http_server.rb, write all output on STDOUT to tmp/httpd-out.log and all output on STDERR to tmp/http-err.log and wait 1 sec before moving on.

task :before do
  @web_server = Process.spawn(
    in: :close,
    out: 'tmp/httpd-out.log',
    err: 'tmp/httpd-err.log'

  sleep 1

The last task is going to terminate the HTTP-server.

desc 'Teardown test environment'
task :after do
  Process.kill 'TERM', @web_server


It’s quite easy to setup an HTTP(S)-server with Ruby using Webrick. It can be customized to your needs and requires no other rubygem installed on your machine. If you need to setup an HTTP-proxy for your tests as well, you may want to read the following article about using Webrick as HTTP-proxy.

Try it yourself! Happy Browsing! Thanks for reading!



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